Free tutoring & mentoring for veterans and dependents. Get help with VA benefits, student paperwork, and personalized academic support through one-on-one or group tutoring sessions while connecting with fellow veterans in a supportive community.
Have Questions?
Who Qualifies?
- New & Continuing Veteran Students
- New & Continuing Dependent Students
- ALL Veterans and Dependents, even if you are not currently using VA Education Benefits.
- Must Commit to Mentor / Tutor Meetings at Mutually Agreeable Times
- Required to Come Prepared to Each Meeting
Program Offerings
- Assistance with Applying for VA Benefits and Completing New Student Paperwork
- Assistance with the Re-Certification Process
- Have an Experienced Mentor Orient You to Campus, Services, and Resources Offered by MPC
- Academic Assistance in 1:1 or Group Tutoring Sessions
- Connect with Other Local Veterans and/or Dependents
- Learn Personal Management Skills (Time Management, Scheduling, Budgeting, etc.)
- Academic Subjects Covered: Math, Reading & Writing, Science
Ready to Apply?
Come into the Veterans Resource Center to fill out a requst form or apply online. You must be signed into your MPC account to access the online form.
*This request form helps us match you with a mentor/tutor, but does not guarantee services; placement depends on availability and qualifications.